5 Ways to get paid
DoTERRA has by far the most amazing compensation plan out of any network marketing company. You can earn money in 5 different ways:
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Retail profit
You can sell the oils to customers at the retail price. By buying the oils at wholesale price you then earn the 25% difference. Long term it is better to get these customers to sign up their own accounts - they may find out from someone else that they can get an account and purchase at a lower price and then you will lose them as a customer. I would suggest giving them the option between buying the oils through you and getting an account of their own, at least that way they know their options.
Fast start bonus
Fast start is a great way to start earning as soon as you join doTERRA and better yet it is paid weekly. When you enrol a customer or wellness advocate you will earn 20% of any of their orders in the first 60 days. Fast start works on 3 levels. So if they enrol someone you will get 10% of the new persons orders for the first 60 days and the next level down you will earn 5% of the value of their orders for their first 60 days.
After the first 60 day period you will then earn commission on any orders from the members of your team. Commission is based on where in your team the individuals are placed and your current rank. This is where you will start building a residual income and work you towards your financial goals.
doTERRA have structured their commission very differently to other network marketing companies. Most companies offer the highest percentage on your team directly beneath you and the percentage decreases down the levels. doTERRA have done this the opposite way around. You earn a greater commission percentage as you work down the levels in your team.
Power of 3
Power of 3 is a bonus paid for team structure and volume. If you have 3 members directly beneath you, you each place at least a 100pv order and the total volume between the 4 of you is 600pv you earn R800 ($50us). If these 3 members set up the same you get R4000 ($250us) and if they can set up their power of 3 you get R23000 (%1500us). This bonus is determined monthly. (the SA bonus amount is set and not based on rand dollar exchange rate)
Bonus pool
The bonus pool is a bonus paid monthly for reaching certain ranks (and in some instances other requirements). This bonus starts from Premier Rank.
For images and more explanation please view the Compensation plan pdf.
doTERRA Ranks
There are a number of Ranks in doTERRA. These determine what you earn from commission and bonuses. Here is a little description of the different ranks. Please note that in South Africa doTERRA have not been around long enough to be able to publish average earnings, so the information given is based on the USA amounts taken from the doTERRA website. These are averages and may vary depending on number of people you enrol and how you have structured your team (as part of the training we teach you about team structure so don't stress about it).